
Is Kidney Transplant Good for IgA Nephropathy Patients

If people are attacked by IgA Nephropathy, is the kidney transplant the last choice for a longer and healthy life for patients. In western medicine, the kidney disease is can not be cured and patients only can take medicines or dialysis to control the symptoms and delaying the development of the disease, waiting for kidney transplant. Whether there is another option for IgA Nephropahty patients?

IgA nephropathy is a kind of immune disease, which is caused by high concentration of IgA1 due to infection. And this IgA1 can be recognized as antigen by human body and duly lead to immune responses. As a result, antigen and antibody from human body can generate antigen-antibody immune complex. Because receptor and binding protein in glomerular mesangial cells have an affinity for IgA1 and due to special kidney structure, the immune complex deposits inside the kidneys and cause damage to the intrinsic kidney cells. Without proper treatment to protect the kidney functional cells from further damage, with time going by, the kidney function declines till renal failure.

Although patients with IgA nephropathy have the same disease, they also should be treated with different therapies and have different prognosis according to different pathological changes inside the kidneys. And most of the cases have a good prognosis if treated properly. However, there are also some cases which advance to final stage of kidney disease. So, is it good for IgA nephropathy patients to do kidney transplant? And if not, is there any other option for those patients?

From the mechanism of this disease, we can know that this is an immune disease. And as long as patients have high concentration of IgA1 arising from infection, the immune complex can deposit inside the kidneys which further leads to damage to the kidneys. So, if there is any conservative treatment which can prevent immune complex from damaging the kidneys, also strengthening immunity so as to avoid infection, that will help patients prevent relapse of IgA nephropathy and protect the kidneys from being damaged.

Our hospital is famous for the Traditional Chinese medicine treatment which have save the kidney functions and reverse the kidney functions of many IgA Nephroapthy patients. With our treatment, many patients have lived a healthy and normal life, keeping away from dialysis and kidney transplant. And if you want to know more information, you can contact our online doctors leave us messages or send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.

