FSGS is the common kidney damage and one of leading cause of kidney function
decline. Kidneys are the main metabolism organs, with the metabolic disorder,
patients suffer more and more complications and symptoms. To live a high quality
and long life, diet should be cautious. Here list some diet suggestions which
can help FSGS patients a lot.
1.Keep enough vitamin intake
Vitamins are necessary for people especially for children, because keeping
enough vitamin intake can improve the immune system which will make children get
rid of cold and infection. And cold and infections are the common reasons for
the deterioration of FSGS. Fruits and vegetables are high in vitamins, and
different fruits and vegetables contain different vitamins, in order to keep the
balance of the vitamins in body, they need to keep enough fruits and vegetables
intake depending on their illness condition.
2. Keep enough protein intake
Protein urine is a common symptom for FSGS patients, they should keep proper
protein intake in order to reduce the further kidney burden. However, protein is
a necessary nutrition for children with their growth on both physical and
mental. So children with FSGS should keep enough protein intake everyday, and
the amount is different from their illness condition. Besides, they should take
high protein foods such as fish, lean meat, egg whites and milk.
3. Keep enough calcium intake
Calcium is important for the development of children, and tacking enough
calcium is helpful to strong their bones. And for FSGS children who have high
phosphorus level, they need to eat more high-calcium foods, such as cheese,
sesame seeds and yogurt. If it is necessary, they can take some calcium
Above are just some systematic diet suggestions. The detailed diet plan
should be set up according to the every patients’ practical disease
condition. If you need any our help, you can send an email to the experts online, leave
us messages or send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, our experts will reply you
as soon as possible.