
How to increase GFR in FSGS with dietary therapy

FSGS is the common glomerular injury, which also means patients with FSGS would suffer from GFR declining. With the low GFR, many metabolism wastes and extra fluids can not be excreted out of body effectively, leading to water and toxins retention in body. With the blood circulation, toxins can cause damage to all tissues and systems of whole body. So improving the GFR plays an important role in reversing kidney functions and remitting symptoms. Then how to increase it with dietary therapy?

Firstly, increase the daily intake of water unless you are undergoing dialysis.
Drink water to replace other drinks like soda. Drink alcoholic beverage moderately. For a female, the daily amount should be less than one small, and two small for a male. You can discuss the daily water intake with your doctor, or consult our online experts. For those who are receiving dialysis, it is necessary to limit the fluid intake.

Secondly, reduce the sodium intake.

The damaged kidneys fail to expel extra sodium and fluid, so water and sodium retention, and high blood pressure can be caused. You had better avoid eating processed, canned and frozen foods. Use fresh meats to replace the cured meats. Choose spices and herbs instead of table salt. This suggestion is suitable whether or not you are on dialysis.

Thirdly, limit the intake of fatty and high-calorie food.

High fatty and calorie foods will increase your risk for hypertension and obesity. In turn, the kidney disease can be aggravated. Limit the consume of oil, butter, margarine, and salad dressings you use. Pick low-fat dairy products.
Finally, increase the amount of fruits and vegetables.

Replace products like white bread made of refined grains with grain foods such as whole-wheat pasta and bread. These foods can help boost your general health and help you maintain a healthy weight.

The above are some suggestions. Consult a dietitian to determine the best dietary arrangement for increasing GFR and kidney health. Now if you want to know more diet information about FSGS or ask for treatment suggestions, you can contact our online doctors, leave us messages or send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, we will reply you within 24 hours.

