Proteinuria is the important sign for FSGS, prpoteinuria is the not the
disease, but a symptom of many kidney disease. How to eliminate proteinuria in
FSGS? This article will explain it in details.
Proteinuria, or protein in the urine, can result in bubbles in urine that
gives off a foamy appearance.Infrequent bubbles in urine can occur after
ingesting large amounts of protein found in protein drinks, muscle protein
gaining supplements, or a large meal of fish or other protein. When a normal
amount of protein is consumed in excess the healthy body is able to gets rid of
the extra by eliminating it through urine. But when protein is consumed in
excess amounts, the kidneys can have a more difficult time getting rid of the
excess waste.
However, frequent bubbles in urine could be a more serious condition where
the kidneys fail to function properly or a medical condition interferes with the
body's ability to metabolize protein.
Normally, when blood passes through healthy kidneys all waste products are
removed, leaving only the materials the body needs. However, in individuals with
kidney disease or damaged kidneys where the glomeruli, the part of the kidney
that normally filters urine, are damaged,protein from the blood can enter in to
the urine. The underlying cause of bubbles in the urine related to proteinuria
must be diagnosed before the symptom can be treated. If the cause is related to
excess protein intake then reducing the amount of protein in the diet will
reduce or eliminate bubbles in the urine.
After many years of clinical practice, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has
shown its effect on treating Kidney Disease.
Firstly, through dilating blood vessel and activating blood circulation,
patients’ blood pressure can become normal gradually and renal ischemia and
anoxia as well as body poisoning symptom can also be relieved. Clinical
manifestations like increasing urine amount, deeper urine color and heavier
urine smell can be found. Besides, patients’ urine become turbid and floccule
like material can be found in urine.
Secondly, due to improved microcirculation, patients can have better
appetite. Nausea and vomiting as well as other symptoms can disappear.
Thirdly, symptoms of Proteinuria and Haematuria as well as increased serum
creatinine can disappear because kidney is repaired by micronized Chinese
medicine and kidney function is recovered gradually.
Fourthly, as for patients who are in Renal Failure or Uremia stage, if they
begin to accept Dialysis, Micro-Chinese Medicine can help them have less dialysis or even get rid of Dialysis through repairing kidney and recovering
kidney function.
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