
How to Alleviate Low Back Pain on PKD with High Creatinine Level

Almost patients will experience the low back pain, especially for the Polycystic Kidney Disease patients. How to help them to alleviate low back pain?

Most of the polycystic kidney disease patients may experience the back or side pain, which bothers them a lot. Why does it occur to the PKD patients? Now we invited the experts from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital to explain it for us.
The symptom is commonly seen in the early stage of the polycystic kidney disease and 60 percent of the patients would suffer from the back or side pain which becomes increasingly serious with the growth of the cysts. What may be causing the painful back or side is listed as the followings;

First, the enlargement or expanding of the cysts, or acute excessive bleeding in the cysts would pull the renal capsule or nerves vascularis in the renal pedicle, which leads to the ache on the back or the side.

Second, the cysts together with the stones in the kidney or the blood clot after cysts bleeding would block the ureter and then cause the renal colic.
Third, the patients with polycystic kidney disease who do excessive physical activities such as walking or sitting for quite a long time would also have pain on their back or side.

Fourth, the PKD patients tend to have urinary tract infections, which may cause the ache on the renal region.

Five, when the acute or sudden ache overwhelm the renal region, it always indicates the cysts fall apart and bleed.

Six, as the increase of the cysts, the nearby organs would be compressed, then causing the back or side pain that could also be the result of the interstitial inflammation.

Seven,while the PKD patients have the complication of polycystic liver, they may feel painful on the back or side because of the huge cysts of liver.
Back or side pain is one of the early signs of the polycystic kidney disease, and if you happen to be the one with this symptom, and we suggest you to see a doctor as soon as possible, which could greatly improve the chance of successful treatment.

Besides the back or side pain, the patients with polycystic kidney disease would have other symptoms or signs including high blood pressure, an increase in the size of the abdomen, blood in urine, kidney stones, see your doctor or our experts for medical treatment in time accordingly after figuring out what might be causing them. Your family members or relatives, especially your parents,children, sisters or brothers are suggested to go to hospital for screening for the disorder.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy not only can alleviate low back pain, but also can repair the kidney function. It can repair the damage cells and recover their function, so as to stop the growth of the kidney cysts. It also can increase the secretion of the cysts fluid along with urine. If you want to know more about the natural treatment, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

