
The Natural Treatment for IgA Nephropathy with High Creatinine Level

What is the natural treatment for IgA Nephropathy with high creatinine level?

When it comes to IgA nephropathy, patients who have this disease may firstly think about proteinuria, hematuria, tonsillitis, cold, infection, etc. Because it usually happens following various of infections, like upper respiratory infection, tonsillitis, cold, etc. which are usually manifested with proteinuria, hematuria, swelling, etc. While talking about this, we can not avoid talking about the treatment, then how to treat IgA nephropathy?

According to western medical system, it is thought to be an autoimmune disease, and from pathological papers, it shows that there are IgA and or IgM, IgG, C3, etc. Deposits in mesangial area inside kidneys which cause immune responses and damage to kidney functional cells. Conventionally, immunosuppressant will be used to inhibit immune responses to treat this disease.

Well, according to traditional Chinese medical system, besides autoimmune disease, it is also an internal injury, closely related with invading of exogenous pathogenic factors, even though lesion is in kidneys, other five viscera and six entrails are also involved in, so is the whole body; so, the treatment is far more from enough if we just focus on inhibiting immune responses with Western medicine. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy takes great effects to repair the kidney function and repair the damaged renal cells.

Besides this, coordinating heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, regulating the general internal environment of whole body, balancing immune function, smooth the meridians all over the body, and recovering normal immune system is the way to treat this disease. In western medical system, that means to remove immune complex inside kidneys, improve immune, body fluid and endocrine disturbance, recover kidney function so as to treat IgA nephropathy from the root.

If you want to know more about the natural, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

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