
How to Reduce High Creatinine Level on Diabetic Nephropathy

High creatinine level is risk factor to worsen the disease. Therefore, patients are eager to know what is the natural treatments for Diabetic Nephropathy patients to reduce high creatinine level?

Creatinine is a by-product of creatine, a product produced from muscle. In a relative period of time, a person has stable muscle mass. The serum creatinine is determined by glomerular filtration rate (GFR). However, at early stage of kidney disease, GFR is slightly lowered, but serum creatinine still stays within normal range due to strong kidney compensatory abilities. When creatinine begins to rise, the kidneys have been severely impaired. Long-term of Diabetes can be the claim for glomerular filter damage. Poorly controlled Diabetes can impair glomerular basement membrane. The early stage symptoms of kidney damage mainly include protein in urine and swelling in limbs, eyelids, etc. The high creatinine in Diabetics means severe kidney damage.

Dietary change combined with medicines can treat moderate elevation of serum creatinine. The patients need to reduce the intake of heavy fat and protein content foods, and restrict bean products and meat, which will help to reduce further buildup of creatinine and reduce filtration pressure of the kidneys. Strenuous exercise is not suggested, but aerobic exercise such as Tai Qi and a short walk will be beneficial.

The laboratory test for creatinine involves measuring the number of milligrams in one deciliter of blood, or mg/dl. Typically, the normal range is from 0.5 to 1.2 mg/dl. Levels above that amount generally indicate that one has kidney disease. Elevated creatinine levels can be due to transient effects, such as dehydration, or increased amounts of weight training or meat consumption. Due to this, the values are generally tested over time and tracked, over a period of time, to see if there is a pattern of increase.

The natural treatments for reducing high creatinine level on Diabetic Nephropathy are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Hot Compress Therapy and Medicated Bath.

If you are interested in our natural treatments, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotamil.com.

