
Is Dialysis Helpful for Stage 4 Kidney Failure Patients to Reduce High Creatinine Level

Dialysis is highly recommended by many kidney experts, but they want to confirm that is dialysis helpful for stage 4 kidney failure patients.

Creatinine is a chemical waste product in the blood that passes through the kidneys to be filtered and eliminated in urine. It is made from creatine, an amino acid, and is a supplier of energy to the muscles. Taking certain medicines, eating a lot of meat or building muscles through exercise may increase a dialysis patient's creatinine which often accompanies symptoms of weakness, tiredness, dehydration, confusion, and shortness of breath. The following suggestions should help you to lower your creatinine levels.

If the creatinine levels cannot be controlled through exercise, diet or medication, your healthcare team may conclude that you should consider increasing your dialysis treatment time.

Undesirable creatinine levels are caused or exasperated by kidney failure. Therefore, taking the proper and effective treatment will result in an improved quality of life. You should work with your healthcare team to structure a treatment plan that best incorporates strategies to tackle your high creatinine levels as soon as they are identified.

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is another option for you to reduce high creatinien level, but Micro-Chinese Medicine reduces high creaitnine level from repairing kidney function. The main ingredient in Micro-Chinese Medicine are super- finely into powder and packaged into two bags and then patients lie down on the two bags, the active substance can enter into kidney lesions directly, so as to achieve the function from root. With this application for several times, you will feel much better.

If you are interested in our treatments, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com. We will rely you as soon as possible.

