
The Natural Treatment for Creatinine level 1.5 Patients in FSGS

Creatinine is produced form creatine that is a molecule of major importance for energy production in muscles. Creatinine enter into kidneys by transporting through the bloodstream. And the kidneys can filter out most of the creatinine and dispose of it in the urine.

What does creatinine 1.5 mean in FSGS?
The normal range of creatinine is 0.6~1.2mg/dL. Although, creatinine 1.5 is not high enough for FSGS patients, it does not mean that you are in heath condition. Creatinine 1.5 means that your kidney functions have been damaged. Without effective control, your condition will get worsen as time goes by.

FSGS has been seen as one of the difficult disease in the world because its high recurrence rate. Some western medicines just take effects on easing some symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, swelling and high blood pressure.

Many experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital developed many special tests and effective treatment to help patients relief suffering from root. Traditional Chinese Medicinal has a dual-track approach :oral medicines and external application. They are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, Medicated Bath and herbal liquid. The active substance in Chinese herbs can enter into kidney lesions directly by external application, so as to remove out immune complex like toxins and wastes products completely, thus creatinine level will gradually reduce. Medicated Bath is method that you need to take a bath in medicated water. The ingredients of herbs can penetrate into kidneys through skin, so as to achieve the function of increasing immunity and Medicated Bath enable patients to have too much sweat, thus discharging toxic substance from blood.

As long as the toxic substances are discharged from blood, the creatinine level will be reduced gradually.

If you happen to have FSGS with ceatinine 1.5 and you are interested in our systematic treatment, you can consult our doctor or send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

