Most of patents with FSGS will suffer from elevated blood pressure, having a
good control of blood pressure also slow down the progression of kidney
Encourage health-promoting behaviors such as smoking cessation and physical
activity. Cigarette smoking is associated with abnormal urine albumin and
progression of CKD. Smoking also contributes to death from stroke and heart
attack in people with CKD. Overall, step-down nicotine replacement therapy is
generally safe, but the patient must be monitored for side effects, which may
include worsening of existing hypertension and contact allergy or
Although people with CKD tend to be less active, the goals for physical
activity are the same as in the general population, at least 20 to 30 minutes
every day. To improve or prevent deconditioning, both aerobic and strength
training should be encouraged. Physical activity may help prevent cardiovascular
disease, improve glucose control in those with diabetes, and maintain muscle
Evidence suggests that providing self-management education to patients with
chronic disease results in reduced health service utilization and improved
health behaviors and health status beyond that achieved by usual care.
High blood pressure is both a cause and complication of CKD. Uncontrolled
high blood pressure can accelerate the loss of GFR. Blood pressure control
usually requires a combination of antihypertensive medications and lifestyle
The panel members appointed to the eighth Joint National Committee (JNC 8)
recently completed an extensive review of evidence around management of
hypertensive adults. Due to insufficient evidence for blood pressure goals in
the CKD population, the Panel recommended treating to a blood pressure goal of
less than 140/90 mm Hg for people with CKD based on expert opinion.
Additionally, the panel recommended initial treatment with ACE inhibitors or
ARBs for hypertensive patients with CKD. However, the Panel emphasized that the
recommendations should not override clinical judgment and decisions about care
should consider individual patient circumstances.
The natural treatments in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital are provided
for patients with kidney disease. If you want to know more details about the
natural treatments, you are recommended to send email to