Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease will suffer from many symptoms and
complications, which affects patients’ life quality seriously. So patients are
wondering how to live well with Chronic Kidney Disease.
Learn it and live it.
Learn all you can about CKD then live the type of lifestyle that will promote
optimum health and wellness.
Have faith in yourself.
Having CKD is a challenge, but believing in yourself can help you to prevail.
You can do this!
Be your own best advocate.
Being well-informed will help you to lobby and fight for the treatments that
are in your best interest.
Keep tabs on your tests.
Because CKD is a progressive illness, you must monitor your symptoms on an
ongoing basis and be up-to-date on all test results. That way you can match
treatment and lifestyle options with your symptoms and stages.
Be proactive, take control.
If you are considering a transplant, conduct research and contact a
transplant center. In addition, follow your doctor’s recommendations along the
Develop strong relationships.
Take time to build a connection with all of the members of you health care
team. This will help you to have in-depth conversations and to ask tough
questions. Also be sure to nurture your personal relationships and create a
solid support network of friends and family.
Exercise and eat right.
In addition to taking your medications or managing a treatment regiment, you
must make daily exercise and healthy eating a top priority. Otherwise, you risk
becoming sicker, faster.
Recognize that work is good for you.
If you have job, or if you spend your time volunteering, realize that having
an outlet that enables you to feel competent and productive is positive for your
total well-being. Of course, you may need to consider a reduced schedule or
part-time work, but continuing your work schedule should help you stay connected
and add to your quality of life.
Make a plan.
Since CKD is a chronic health issue, you need a plan that looks
ahead, 3, 5, 7 years in the future. Know your treatment options and contemplate
which ones will suit you best. Take time to consider what options you want to
pursue if your condition worsens or your symptoms change.
Make it a priority to enjoy each day. Taking control of your health will
enable you to feel your best. Recognize that feeling strong and well is what
will allow you to do the activities that you enjoy most. So each day, make sure
you take time to do just that!
If you want to know more details about the nursing tips for patients with
Chronic Kidney Disease. You can send email to
or leave a message below.