Ammonia taste is common symptom for patients with kidney failure. Is there
any treatment to eliminate the ammonia taste in kidney failure? This article
will explain it in details.
The symptom may be referred to in different words by the patients themselves,
such as fertilizer taste, foul smell, etc. The odor changes with the illness
condition, getting worse when the disease gets serious and alleviates when the
illness condition is better. Well then, why the patients with Uremia experience
ammonia odor? How to relieve the symptom?
Why kidney failure causes ammonia odor?
In Uremia, ammonia odor is associated with high levels of blood urea
nitrogen(BUN) in bloodstream. Blood urea nitrogen, a wasteful product of
proteins, is normally removed by the kidneys. When the kidneys are not
functioning well, blood urea nitrogen will accumulate in the body. The excess
urea will be decomposed into ammonia under the effect of urea enzymes in
gastrointestinal tract. Ammonia will be discharged through oral cavity to cause
the bad odor. In addition, high BUN in saliva can also be decomposed into
ammonia to make the symptom even worse. BUN running through pulmonary
circulation to be discharged through respiration also contributes to the
How to relieve ammonia odor in kidney failure?
Controlling your intake of proteins as prescribed by doctors and dietitians
based on your condition is essential for controlling high BUN in blood and
stopping the symptom from getting worse. At the meantime, start to make some
small changes for oral health to make the symptom better. Rinse your mouth with
a solution of one cup of water and one teaspoon of salt; after rising, spit out
the solution. In addition, brush or scrape your tongue with a tongue cleaner.
Because your tongue is directly posed to ammonia, scraping the layers will
reduce or eliminate the symptom. As for reduction of high blood urea nitrogen,
traditional Chinese medicine treatment may be a better option. Chinese herbs
have known functions including expanding blood vessels, reducing blood stasis
and accelerating blood circulation, so it may help to discharge elevated toxins
and reduce ammonia odor.
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