FSGS patients have a common and typical symptom known as proteinuria, its
occurrence is closely connected with electrostatic barrier function of the
glomerulus. Glomerular electrostatic barrier in the filtration membrane is used
to prevent the plasma proteins from going out, in the case of renal failure
patients, they can have much proteins in the urine in inconsequence of the loss
of glomerular electrostatic barrier, because plasma albumin can go through the
filtration membrane free without the prevention of electrostatic barrier. The
plasma colloid osmotic pressure is maintained by plasma albumin, loss of plasma
albumin will lead to decrease of plasma colloid osmotic pressure and then water
in blood vessel get into interstitial fluid and puff the patients up.
In the end stage of renal failure, the kidney usually has little function
left, the glomerular filtration rate declined to a very low level, patients have
little or no urine output, much fluid are retained in the body and make the
vascular wall rise in permeability, so fluid get into the tissue space including
legs, thorax, enterocoelia, etc, and cause the patients puffed up.
It is a dangerous condition for patients to be puffy and with little urine,
the excess fluid can cause serious damage to systems of the whole body, patients
may need to take some measures to improve it, either dialysis to get the excess
fluid off, or diuretic to increase the urine output.
If you want to know more details about natural treatments, you can send email
to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.