
Can Patients with Kidney Failure do Yoga

Yoga is more than a fashionable fitness, and there are many poses in yoga that are suitable for kidney failure patients and they have been practiced and proved to be very effective at relieving renal disorders and intensifying kidney functions.

1. Camel pose. Kneel on the floor, extend the spine, open the chest and reach for the feet. Make sure your thighs are perpendicular to the floor and your toes tucked. This posture can help promote blood circulation as well as the body′s circulating system.

2. Cobra pose. Lie on the belly with hands flat on the floor on each side. Inhale and extend the spine forward, lift the chest and head off the floor. Make sure that the legs and feet are parallel and hold there for several breaths. This position in yoga can help put mild pressure on the kidneys and revitalize the kidney functions.

3. Lifting legs. It is very simple but very beneficial. Lie on the back, inhale and raise lags to 30, 60 and then 90 degrees, each hold for 10 seconds. This exercise can help relieve digestive disorders and exercises your abdominal muscles.

4. Breathing. Breath exercise is also very simple, but it is different from the usual breathing. Inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right nostril and then inhale with the right nostril and exhale through the left one. This alternate nostril breath exercises can promote blood circulation.

There are many other poses in yoga, you can choose those that are suitable for you under the guidance of professional practitioner. In a word, practicing yoga can promote metabolism, blood circulation and help discharge more metabolic wastes and toxins. It can improve endocrine functions and help repair damaged tissues. It can strengthen physical fitness and enhance immunity. It can make the mind peaceful and ease pressure and chronic pains. It has also been proved that practicing can improve the prognosis of kidney failure and prolong the patients′ life span.

Though yoga is safe, not every kidney failure patients can do all the poses. For example, if the patients have polycystic kidney disease, bending and other positions that can cause pressures on the abdomen and back should be avoided. If the patients have high blood pressure or lower back pain, leg lifts should be avoided.

If you have any other questions, you can send an email to the experts in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital: kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, or you also can talk it with our online doctor; our experts will reply you as soon as possible.

