
The Treatments Options for PKD with High Creatinine Level

What is the proper treatment for patients with PKD? This is a question which all of patients care about most.

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the number four cause of kidney failure in Americans, and an estimated 600,000 people in the United States currently have it. About half of the people diagnosed with PKD will experience end stage renal disease (ESRD) and will need dialysis or a kidney transplant. So what is PKD all about?

Typically, a kidney is about the size of a closed fist. But for those who inherit PKD, cysts that are filled with fluid form in the kidneys and can change their size, interfering with normal kidney function.

PKD is commonly believed to equally affect men and women of all races. However, some studies have shown that the disease may occur more often in Caucasians than in African-Americans and in females more often than males.

By identifying the processes that trigger the formation of kidney cysts, and experimenting with drugs that can inhibit or block them, there is hope that research will lead to improvements in treating PKD and a cure.

To discuss more about PKD and how it affects you and your family, find a kidney doctor in your area today.

This is to make the damaged tubular epithelial cells fail to secret the fluids by eliminating the active ingredients released by the cells. And then the cysts would stop growth. Besides, we use some Chinese medicines to increase the permeability of the blood circulation of the cysts surface to reabsorbing the cysts fluids which will excrete together with the urine out of the body. On the other side, we also use some Chinese medicines to repair the damaged renal cells and then improve the renal function besides well control of its symptoms and complication. Therefore, the high creatinine in the blood would be removed out of the body and then the high creatinine level would be lowered naturally.

If you want to know more details about the natural treatments about PKD, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

