
Can Stage 4 Kidney Failure with High Creatiine level Avoid Dialysis

Dialysis is recommended by kidney experts for stage 4 kidney failure. Dialysis can help patients eliminate the products and toxin out of body, but. At the same time, it also has side effects to patients condition. So they may wonder that can they avoid dialysis, if they are on high creatinine level.

With the GFR falling further, the patient starts showing additional symptoms. With increase in urea content in the patient's blood, he normally develops a bad breath. Nausea and loss of appetite are the common symptoms of a patient going through the fourth stage of CKD. There are a variety of nerve problems and he loses his capability to concentrate. The GFR in the fourth stage, is between 15 to 29 mL/min. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis are the common treatments at this stage. A kidney transplant is also recommended by many nephrologists, if the GFR is very close to 15 mL/min.

When you undergo dialysis, there are two options. One is hemodialysis, which is a process that uses a machine to process your blood. It then filters out the waste using a solution, and then it places the clean blood back into your body. This treatment method is usually used three times per week, and it lasts three to four hours each time. Your physician may also prescribe peritoneal dialysis—a treatment that consists of a solution being inserted into your abdomen that is later removed using a catheter.

Regardless of how a person develops chronic kidney disease, there are actions an individual can take to prolong kidney function. Smoking causes faster progression of kidney disease, therefore, it is recommended that those with kidney disease stop smoking. Naturally, eating a healthy diet and getting proper nutrition, losing excess weight and exercising are keys to better health that are completely in the patient's control. In fact, many type 2 diabetics can prevent diabetes by following those steps. People with high blood pressure are advised to limit sodium in their diet. Many doctors believe that avoiding too much protein and phosphorus in the diet may also slow the progression of kidney disease. Remember, your kidney condition is unique. You can talk with your doctor and work with your health care team for personalized tips on how to prolong your kidney function. An open and frequent dialog will produce the best results. As well as discussing your medical condition, talk to your doctor about your feelings and ask for advice on how to talk with your family about chronic kidney disease. Your health care team wants to help keep you healthy both physically and emotionally.

To sum up, natural treatment also can help you avoid dialysis on stage 4 kidney failure, the treatment includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated Bath, apart from that, we also have Steaming Therapy, Circle Therapy and so on, they are external application, so they can achieve the function of removing out the toxic wastes products from body, so as to help you keep away from dialysis. If you want to know more, you can talk it with our online doctor, we are available at 24 hours.

