Stage 3 CKD patients are eager to know the life expectancy.Patients often have a misunderstanding that they will not live longer if they have Chronic Kidney Disease, but what I want to tell you is that stage 3 CKD has a lot of hope to be reversed if the best treatment are adopted.
First, you need to control the complications such as anemia, swelling. Erythropoietin is produced by the kidney and stimulates production of reticulocytes in the bone marrow. As kidney function declines, the production of erythropoietin will less than normal, and anemia results. What is more, as anemia appears, nutritional deficiencies may be present and the assessment of folate, iron, and vitamin B12 levels should be made. As kidney function declines, fluid retention will build up in the tissues leading to the enlargement of organs, skin, or other body parts. And some western medicines have quick effects but these only can remit these symptoms but failing to repair kidney function.
Before the assumption of effective treatment, there has special tests to help patients and doctors diagnosing precisely, so as to help patients adopt the most suitable treatment.
Micro Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is the most natural treatment in the world. Micro Chinese Medicine has high pertinence to patients’ condition, because the active herbs in Micro Chinese Medicine are abstracted from plants on the base of each patient’s condition, thereby, it can remove out toxins and unnecessary wastes completely.
Apart from this therapy, there is Medicated Bath, Foot Bath therapy in our hospital. They also can take effect on repairing kidney functions. These both therapy are external application and can eliminate toxins and wastes products completely. As long as kidney functions have been improved, the life expectancy for stage 3 CKD is easily prolonged. Some symptoms disappear as the kidney function restoration.