
Is Dialysis Helpful for Patient to Reduce High Creaitnine Level

Most patients are not willing to have dialysis to treat their disease. While is dialysis helpful for patients to reduce high creatinine level?

Dialysis is undoubtedly one of the medical success stories of the recent past. It has been and continues to be an accessible and life-prolonging treatment for those with ESRD. In the past five decades, increased numbers of older patients have initiated dialysis worldwide in terms of both absolute numbers and rates per million population. Although the improvements in survival are welcomed, they need to be interpreted in the face of recent research demonstrating that improved survival may be complicated by increased morbidity. Elderly patients who are on dialysis seem to have a higher burden of age-related problems, or “geriatric syndromes,” such as frailty, falls, and cognitive impairment. There is also emerging evidence that dialysis initiation may be associated with accelerated rates of functional and/or cognitive decline. Thus, appropriate medical training is required for individuals who care for complex older dialysis patients.

Some people may have an active disease but do not have any of the negative prognostic indicators. These include, but are not limited to, deletion of chromosome 17p and translocation of 4;14 or 14;16 or 14;20. Your myeloma specialist will run the FISH test or other genetic tests to determine if you have any of these negative prognostic indicators. If you are considered high risk, the life expectancy is just half of the current average, or just 2 years.

The sensitivity of the disease to treatment is also important. My myeloma seemed to be very sensitive to Thalamid and Dexamethasone and put me into remission very quickly. Some people might have the same experience with Revlimid, Velcade, or Dex, or any combination of these drugs. If the disease comes back, as it often does, the re-application of the same regimen may continue to work for years. I know one patient who has taken Thalomid for years as his only treatment and remains in remission.

If you do not want to have dialysis, the natural treatment can help you avoid dialysis. Because dialysis can treat the kidney disease from root, from restoring the kidney function. It includes Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Foot Bath. If you want to know more about the treatment, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

