What are the common symptoms of Polycystic Kidney Disease? Knowing the
symptoms of PKD can contribute a lot to the treatment of PKD.
Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is a genetic disease, which is difficult to
be treated in clinical and has a host of signs. For PKD patients, knowing about
the signs earlier can make the patients find their disease in time in case delay
the disease condition. Then, do you know the signs of PKD? Here, Funeng experts
will give you some introduction.
1. High blood pressure
High blood pressure is an early sign of PKD. It is because that the enlarged
cysts cause renal ischemia and anoxia, which can cause increased production of
renin. Increased renin can elevate blood pressure.
2. Blood in urine
Blood in urine is a common sign of PKD. One of the most common causes is
rupturing of the cysts. Meanwhile, it may due to kidney stone or urinary tract
3. Pain
Flank pain or abdominal pain are commonly seen in PKD. A major cause is the
enlargement of kidney cysts. Meanwhile, the pain may caused by urinary tract
infection, kidney stone etc. These conditions are common complications of
4. Cerebral aneurysm
Cerebral aneurysm can be seen in PKD. If the patients have this condition,
the patients will experience headache. If the cerebral vessels rupture, it can
be life-threatening.
5. Kidney stone
Kidney stone has a 30% higher incidence among PKD patients.
6. Cysts in other organs
In PKD, cysts not only occur in kidneys, but also can be found in other vital
organs like liver, ovarian etc. In general, the cysts in other organs do not
cause a very serious effect.
7. Pericardial effusion
Pericardial effusion is present in greater than 45% among people with PKD and
is also inconsequential.
8. Urinary tact infection
A urinary tract infection can be one of the first symptoms that might bring
us to a doctor.
In addition, other common symptoms of PKD may include headache, fatigue,
swelling, increase in the size of abdomen and frequent urination, etc.
If you have any other questions, you can send an email to the experts in
Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital: kidneyhospitalabroad@hotamil.com.