Polycystic Kidney Disease refers to there are many small and big
fluids-filled pockets spreading in the kidneys, with the growth of cysts,
patients will suffer more and more, such as blood urine, back pain, high blood
pressure even renal insufficient. The kidney function decline can bring patients
many complications, and anemia is one of them. This article would introduce you
the cause of anemia in Polycystic Kidney Disease.
● Polycystic Kidney Disease can damage the renal function and the secretion
and generation of erythrogenin will be affected, which leads to that the amount
of erythrogenin can not meet the body′s need. The generation of marrow and
mature erythrogenesis are affected. This is the most important reason causing
● For PKD patients, they have to control the intake of protein for a long
time,and also the protein leaked out from urine increases, which lead to the
decrease of concentration of plasma protein which is the material of
hematopoiesis. So PKD patients get anemia easily.
● With the enlargement of cysts, they will burst, which can lead to the
bleeding. When kidney disease develops to the end stage of chronic renal
failure, patients may present epistaxis and gingival bleeding.
● Kidney can discharge the waste products and toxins out of body. When damage
of kidney occurs, toxins will not be discharged as normal, which will affect red
blood cells′ generation and supersession. The deposition of lots of harmful
substances also can restrain the hemopoiesis function of marrows and speed up
the damage of red blood cells.
Now that knowing the reasons causing anemia, patients should keep a healthy
diets. Also we find that no matter what kind of reason it is, it must be related
to the damage of kidney. So the key is to repair the damaged kidney.
Knowing these causes also is good for Polycystic Kidney Disease patients to
prevent the further anemia. And now if you want to know more information about
the Polycystic Kidney Disease or ask for treatment suggestions, you can contact
our online doctors, leave us messages or send email yo
kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, we will reply you within 24 hours.