
The Health Lifestyle For Kidney Disease Patients

Kidney disease patients may experience some kidney disorder. To a certain degree, the health life style can contribute to slow sown the progression of the kidney disease.

In addition to getting tested, there is a lot we can do at home to prevent kidney problems in ourselves and our aging loved ones. The two leading causes of CKD are diabetes and high blood pressure–two conditions that are often closely linked to diet. Other kidney problems, such as kidney stones, are also aggravated by bad dietary habits and lack of adequate hydration. With proper nutrition, it is possible to prevent or minimize these conditions and keep our kidneys healthy.
Besides the health problems that directly result from kidney disease – anemia, high blood pressure, nerve damage, even kidney failure – there are a number of secondary problems that can result from poor kidney health. Having CKD has been found to increase the risk of cognitive impairment, according to recent studies. It can also pose a risk to elderly people who take multiple medications. Because the kidneys filter the blood, they help our bodies process and remove drugs, so any severe impediments to kidney function may be a potential safety hazard.
Diet isn’t the only key to kidney health. Dr. Spry recommends a number of other health strategies to keep the body in tiptop working order for as long as possible:

Don’t smoke

Get plenty of physical activity (at least 150 minutes per week)
Seniors should stay on top of chronic health conditions that could be risk factors for kidney disease: “If they have diabetes or high blood pressure, these should be controlled and there should be careful follow up with their primary care physicians,” says Dr. Spry.

Stay well hydrated: “Drink plenty of water to avoid bladder infections. Cranberry juice will also prevent bladder infections in ladies. Men should have their prostate checked annually and women should have careful follow up after a urinary tract infection to make sure that the infection is totally cleared.”
Last but definitely not least, be sure your senior loved ones get an annual screening once they’re over the age of 60, especially if they’re in a higher risk category. The testing, says Dr. Spry, “includes urine testing for blood, protein, and infection. We also recommend blood testing for creatinine that can be used to calculate the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).” GFR testing is the best overall index of kidney function that professionals currently have at their disposal. Worried about coverage? Medicare generally covers diagnostic laboratory services, especially those which are deemed medically necessary or that are ordered by your doctor.

Although, the health lifestyle takes effects on slow down of the kidney disease, the natural treatment is the key point to treat the kidney disease. The natural treatment in our hospital are Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Medicated Bath, if you want to know more details about the natural treatments, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

