
The Natural Treatment for Hypertensive Nephropahthy with High Creatinine Level

Patients with Hypertensive Nephropathy with high creatinine level always suffer from high blood pressure. This article will explain some details about treatment for Hypertensive Nephropathy.

Natural Treatment for Kidney Disease: Don’t add any sodium if people have Hypertensive Nephropathy. Sodium will raise the blood pressure which in turn will damage vessels in the kidneys. Also, extra sodium will make the body retain water, putting stress on the heart to work harder. Sodium is in many products like canned goods, chips, soups … so be careful and make sure to read all ingredient labels.

Natural Treatment for Kidney Disease: Avoid tomatoes and potatoes. They have higher amounts of potassium. In hypertensive nephropathy potassium may become elevated because one of the jobs of the kidneys is to regulate potassium levels. Therefore, these two foods should be avoided.

Natural Treatment for Kidney Disease: Eat a high fiber diet and take fiber supplements. Fiber has been proven to improve kidney disease and specifically, hypertensive nephropathy. Fiber can take away the harmful kidney destroying toxins. People will not only feel better by taking more fiber in their diet but will see the improving kidney function on their blood test.

Introducing The All Natural Kidney Health & Kidney Function Restoration Program for stopping and even reversing hypertensive nephropathy. Kidney disease sufferer discusses the natural treatment for kidney disease and especially kidney damage from high blood pressure.

If you want to know more details, you can send details to kidneyhoospitalabroad@hotmail.com.

