
Traditional Chinese medicines for Lupus Nephritis with High Creatinine Level

What is lupus?

Systemic lupus erythemotosus (SLE) is a kind of chronic inflammatory disease, which can attack many tissues of the body such as skin, heart, lungs, joints, nervous system, blood vessels and kidneys. In a word, it can cause damage to whole body.
While a healthy immune system produces antibodies to fight against bacteria and other infections, an autoimmune disease like lupus prevents antibodies from working properly. With lupus, the antibodies are no longer able to tell the difference between harmful foreign substances and the body’s own healthy cells and tissue. As a result, the immune system “attacks” its own body parts, causing varying degrees of inflammation and organ damage.

How lupus affects the kidneys

The kidneys are especially vulnerable for people with lupus. Varying degrees of inflammation caused by the disease can result in lupus nephritis and even kidney failure.
Lupus nephritis is the medical term for kidney disease that occurs in SLE patients. With this disease, the tiny filters in the kidneys are damaged resulting in a loss of kidney function and high creatinine level which is the common indicator to show your kidney function. This may lead to fluid retention with weight gain and swelling, called edema. Puffiness in the legs, ankles and/or fingers is often the first complaint of lupus nephritis patients. Other than edema, there are very few signs or symptoms. Lupus nephritis does not produce pain in the abdomen or back, or burning during urination.
It’s important to be aware that not all kidney problems in lupus patients are caused by lupus nephritis. Urinary tract infections occur frequently in lupus patients and require antibiotic treatment.
Similarly, medications used for treating lupus may produce signs of kidney disease that could be confused with lupus nephritis.

Traditional Chinese Medicines

cycle therapy
Drawing out toxin——drawing out pathogenic factors in blood tier.
Effective manifestations in cold disease: fever, red rash, thermal pain, sweating, tinnitus, increased appetite, etc.
Effective manifestations in heat disease: pale skin, black spots, sweating, sleepiness, tinnitus, diarrhea, etc.
hot compress therapy
Cleansing toxin——cleansing toxic pathogenic factors in kidney
full bath therapy
discharging toxin—discharge toxic pathogen in the meridians and visceral
they are only some of our Traditional Chinese Medicines for lupus

They are only some of our Traditional Chinese Medicnines for lupus nephritis patients with high creatinine level. If you want to know more about your kidney disease or interested in our therapies, you can send email to kidneyhospitalabroad@hotmail.com, we will reply you as soon as possible.

